After blepharoplasty

Many people assume that plastic surgery is a magical procedure that gives excellent blepharoplasty results straight after one gets up from a surgery table. However, this assumption is wrong and hence such people may be disappointed when they realize that they would have to wait for the results to show up. Since healing is a gradual process, you will have to go through all the stages until you can enjoy your beautiful new looks.

After eyelid surgery

You will have to follow your doctor’s instructions on how to behave after surgery. Your doctor will probably apply some ointment and a bandage straight after eyelid surgery is done. You may feel some discomfort and your eyelids will probably feel sore but this can be perfectly controlled with any pain killers. You should be aware that there will be some bruising and swelling which, depending on an individual case, may last from two weeks to a month. In order to make bruising disappear faster you will be advised to use cold applications and to keep your head elevated until bruising and swelling are reduced.

Other changes after eyelid surgery may include itchiness of your eyes and this could be controlled with administration of artificial teardrops. You may also experience a blurred or double vision for some time after surgery and your eyes might be hypersensitive to light. This should not worry you since this is considered a normal process of recovery.

You should come for a regular check-up for a week or two after blepharoplasty . Stitches may be removed within a week post-operatively and you should then start looking and feeling better. Be aware that you will not be able to wear contact lenses for about two weeks but ask your doctor when it is time to wear them. After a few days after surgery you will probably be able to read or watch TV. Your eyelids may look worse for the first week after surgery but many people return to their normal lives and jobs within a week or ten days after surgery. If your healing process goes smoothly, you might be able to hide bruising under make-up.

Although eyelid surgery is a minimal cosmetic procedure , there are still some precautions for you to take post-operatively. These include sunglasses to protect from sun and wind and application of a specific sun block used for eyelids. You should also avoid physical activity for the first week and hard exercise should be avoided for at least three weeks after surgery. You should particularly avoid weight-lifting, bending and other sports that elevate blood pressure. And since alcohol causes fluid retention, you want to avoid it too.

Healing process varies from person to person but what you need to know is that with patience you will be able to achieve long-term or even permanent results. Although incision lines may remain pink for up to six months but they will be barely visible after that. With a qualified surgeon’s help and your will to follow all the instructions carefully you will enjoy your bright, youthful look for many years after eyelid surgery.

Blepharoplasty surgery

If you consider having eyelid surgery you might be unsure about how serious and complicated this surgical procedure is. You might also have some questions on how blepharoplasty is performed, how long it takes and how long would you have to stay in a hospital. This chapter will basically answer most of your questions on eyelid surgery process.

Blepharoplasty surgery

After your initial consultation a doctor decides whether you need eyelid surgery alone or in combination with other facial cosmetic surgeries. After thorough discussion of your medical history, your problems and expectations a surgeon will decide whether you are a good candidate for eyelid surgery and if so, he or she will give you detail information on how to prepare properly for your surgery.

Blepharoplasty may be done in an outpatient surgical department or a hospital under local anesthesia usually. Local anesthetic drugs are injected prior to surgery in the area around your eyes to make this area numb. Additionally, oral or intravenous sedatives are given in order for you to be relaxed during blepharoplasty surgery . During surgery you will stay awake but you will not experience any pain and will be totally relaxed. Most frequently blepharoplasty is performed on an outpatient basis and you will not need inpatient stay before or after surgery.

Eyelid surgery is a minor cosmetic procedure to improve your looks by improving puffy bags below the eyes and drooping upper lids. Eyelid surgery lasts from 1 to 3 hours. This depends on how much should be done. Both upper and lower lids can be done at a time or only upper or lower eyelids can be operated separately. If you decide to have all four eyelids done during one surgery, a surgeon will first operate the upper eyelids, then the lower ones.

If you are worried about postoperative scars, you shouldn’t because all incisions are made in the natural folds of the eyelids. Starting with the upper eyelids a surgeon makes an incision in the crease of your lower lid. The incision may extend from one corner of the eye to the other. Then he or she works through that incision in order to separate the skin from the tissues underneath. Excess fat and skin is removed and, if needed, the muscle is shortened to give you a bright glance and smooth and firm skin of the upper lids. Very fine sutures close the incisions in the upper eyelids and a surgeon continues with the lower ones, if you and your surgeon decide that you need the lower eyelids corrected as well as upper ones.

Incisions in the lower eyelids can be modified. If you only need excess fat removed but no excess skin from your lower eyelid, an incision can be made transconjunctively. The procedure is called transconjunctival blepharoplasty and involves no visible scar postoperatively, since an incision is made on the inside of a lower lid. This is usually possible for patients who have a thick and elastic skin. Transconjuntival blepharoplasty therefore is most frequently performed on younger patients.

However, if puffiness of your lower eyelids involves also sagging and excess skin, surgeon’s approach is from the outside of the lower lid. An incision also is made in the natural creases of your lids, just below the lashes in the lower lids.

Excess fat and skin is then removed and surgery finishes with very fine sutures leaving almost invisible scars. Excess or wrinkled skin can also be if not removed then smoothened with the help of carbon dioxide laser. Since most incisions are made in the natural creases of the eyelids, except for transconjuctival blepharoplasty, scars are barely visible. The eyelid surgical procedure only leaves hardly visible white lines at the sites of incisions. As you can see, eyelid surgery is a relatively simple procedure that offers wonderful blepharoplasty results to patients. The procedure itself takes not so much time as with other facial cosmetic surgery, post-operative recovery time, when smooth, is rather short and you will be able to go back to public and work in slightly more than a week. If you still have any questions about eyelid surgery techniques and different aspects, do not hesitate to check with your doctor.

Before blepharoplasty

As before all surgeries there are certain preparations to be done before having blepharoplasty. Usually, everything is explained by your surgeon, so this will give you only the basics about what you should do before surgery.


Let’s start from your initial consultation with your surgeon and what will be done during it. You should know all your medical history before seeing your doctor at the first time. It is important to tell your doctor all the medical facts from your past history, such as diseases that you had or still have. You should also inform your doctor about any medicines that you are taking. Do not forget to mention if you smoke or have any allergies. Although your surgeon will check your vision and tear production, information from your ophthalmologist with your recent eye check is significant. Bring your glasses or contact lenses if you wear ones.

Before blepharoplasty

There are certain preparations in what to drink and eat before surgery. Your doctor will give you all of them. If you are taking any medicines do not quit doing it before surgery. Certain medications or vitamins should be stopped taking some time before surgery, so ask your doctor about that. You are advised to quit smoking at least two weeks before surgery and not resume doing it for about the same time after eyelid surgery. This would help you heal and recover better. Make sure that you follow all the instructions provided by your surgeon so that eyelid surgery and recovery period goes without any trouble. In an initial consultation you should precisely discuss with your doctor all your expectations and possible complications and costs of blepharoplasty . A doctor will then decide whether you need all four eyelids lifted or only upper lids or lower ones fixed. Your surgeon might suggest you an additional procedure if you need one, since blepharoplasty may be done in combination with face lift, browlift or other facial cosmetic procedures.

It is important for you to arrange for someone to drive you home after eyelid surgery, since you would not be able to do it on your own. You would probably need someone’s help at home for a few days after surgery. So, ask for someone in advance. And if you have any questions on the instructions or preparations for eyelid surgery, you should ask your doctor’s advice.

The best candidates for blepharoplasty

The best way to decide if you are a good candidate for the procedure or not is to look in the mirror. If you look older than you are, tired although you do not feel you are, blepharoplasty might be the answer. However, being in need for eyelid surgery does not necessarily mean that you are a suitable candidate for the procedure, since there are other conditions and aspects you must meet in order to be a good candidate.

Best candidates for blepharoplasty

The most important is to have realistic expectations about eyelid surgery. Although the procedure improves your appearance, enhances your self-esteem you should not hope that eyelid surgery will make other people treat you differently. Bear in mind that blepharoplasty surgery will not necessarily improve your looks to match your ideals.

The best candidates are people in a fairly good physical shape and psychologically stable but who are annoyed with drooping upper lids and puffiness of lower eyelids. Both men and women are suitable candidates for the procedure. And there are no racial or ethnic limitations for candidates to have eyelid surgery performed. Most patients are older than 35 years. But since drooping eyelids is an inheritable condition, you might consider blepharoplasty at a younger age if droopy eyelids and puffy bags under your eyes run in your family. You have to be very realistic about surgery results. You should be aware of the healing process after surgery. Please discuss your expectations and possible complications with a doctor prior to surgery. And if you have any further questions whether you are a good candidate for blepharoplasty or not, do not hesitate to consult your surgeon.

Bad candidates for eyelid surgery

Even if you have droopy upper eyelids and puffy bags under your eyes and you are willing to have blepharoplasty performed, you may find out that you are an unsuitable candidate for eyelid surgery. Although blepharoplasty has very few limitations in when it can be performed, there are certain conditions that make you a non-suitable candidate for the procedure. If you are not in a good physical state, you may not be able to have surgery since it would be of too much hassle for your body. In such cases eyelid surgery, as any surgery, may cause unexpected trouble and damage to your body. In addition, people who are psychologically unstable or have unrealistic expectations about eyelid surgery should not consider having it. Such conditions can be evaluated by a doctor, so do not hesitate to discuss them with your surgeon.

You should know that there are certain medical conditions that limit the possibility to have eyelid surgery performed to some patients. These conditions include thyroid gland problems, such as Grave’s disease, hyper- or hipothyreoidism. Dry eyes or lack of sufficient tears may also be risky for eyelid surgery. These two conditions could be cured with the additional administration of artificial teardrops. A retina detachment or glaucoma should also be discussed with your ophthalmologist to evaluate whether there is any possibility to have eyelid surgery performed safely. Systemic medical problems are also a reason for caution. Such as, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and other circulatory disorders. Consult your cardiologist or family doctor for further evaluation. Finally, those who have flue or any other infection should know that eyelid surgery will be postponed until an infection is cured.

What is blepharoplasty?

As people get older their bodies change. These changes are associated with many reasons and aging is one of the most important reasons of all. Not only the body functions of older people change but also their appearance does. Since the looks is so important many people worry about the fact that they do not look as beautiful as they used to and start looking for the means to improve their appearance. Eyelid surgery is one of the corrective procedures that are able to improve people’s appearance and make them feel better about how they look.

Eyelid surgery

Eyelid surgery, also called blepharoplasty in professional medical language, is a cosmetic procedure during which excess fat and skin along with the muscle is removed from the upper and lower eyelids. Drooping upper eyelids and puffy bags under your eyes can make you look older than you are. These features are due to the aging process and are caused by excess fat and skin around your eyes. Weakening of the muscle of lids also cause these particular features. Drooping upper eyelids and puffy bags under your eyes may not only change your appearance and cause some psychological problems but also some cases may interfere with your vision. Puffiness of lower lids cannot be improved with the application of any cream or other skin care products. This problem can only be solved with the help of blepharoplasty.

What blepharoplasty cannot change is your ethnic or racial heritage. So, if you are of an Asian origin and have a so called third eyelid this cosmetic surgery will not be able to eliminate it. The cosmetic procedure will not make dark circles under your eyes disappear as it will not lift sagging eyebrows. Blepharoplasty is not a surgery for removing wrinkles around your eyes. This can be achieved with the help of other types of plastic surgery procedures. Eyelid surgery is a minimal cosmetic procedure, which takes one to three hours depending on how much should be done. It also requires a short recovery period which, depending on an individual case, varies from ten days to two weeks. Since eyelid surgery is performed under local anesthesia the downtime after the procedure lasts shorter than in cases when surgery is performed under general anesthesia.

When you think about blepharoplasty, you might, among other things, be worried about the scars remaining in the sight of surgery. What you should know is that no scars are visible after eyelid surgery. The reason for this is the technique of blepharoplasty. An incision to remove weakened skin, excess of fatty tissue and a loose muscle is made in the natural creases of the upper eyelid. Therefore even if you do not wear any make up these scars are totally invisible with time. Puffy bags under your eyes are corrected through a transconjuctival incision. This incision is made through the inside of a lower eyelid. Men make up to half of all patients in some clinics. This shows the need to look young and energetic in some fields of business. Asians and Afroamericans can also be treated with blepharoplasty only that they need a specific approach.

There are many reasons why people decide to have eyelid surgery performed. Just imagine if you wake up one morning and although you feel bright, young and energetic, a person in the mirror looks older, angry or tired. In such case the answer to change that might be eyelid surgery. Some people decide to have blepharoplasty when they are tired of looking tired. Some get annoyed with other people’s advice that they need more sleep. Others decide to have eyelid surgery before important events in their lives, such as their children’s weddings or different anniversary parties. These reasons make people to improve their appearance in order to look better in their lives as well as in photos. No matter what reason brings people to a plastic surgeon’s office, the most important is that eyelid surgery can make people look their age not tired or bored. This cosmetic surgery may also enhance people’s self-consciousness and make them feel better about their looks.

Alternatives to laser hair removal

As you all know nowadays people more often choose laser hair removal rather than shaving or waxing. The laser hair removal procedures cost much; still people toughly undergo this procedure. 4-5 sessions and you will not have any problems with unwanted hair for a very long time. However, laser hair removal cost much, thus professionals of cosmetic surgery field offer other ways how you can rid off unwanted hair.


It is very simple technique; this technique does not affect coarseness and thickness of hair itself. It can be combined with cream or lotions to produce smoother results; however, it is transient solution and requires constant shaving to maintain a hair free appearance.


This procedure can be used for large areas at one time. Results last a month or longer, depend on strength of the hair, but it does not have long-term effect on the hair follicle or growth of hair. Also waxing is very painful procedure, especially in bikini line – the most sensitive area of the body. Besides waxing can cause redness, may stimulate the process of ingrown hair or allergic reaction.


Depilatory tweezers are very popular amongst those who wants to eliminate unwanted hair for a longer time, but can not afford laser hair removal procedures. The unwanted hair is eliminated one by one when the depilatory tweezer is used. This procedure is painful too. Hair follicles are not permanently disabled; the regrow will occur. Besides the treatment is temporary!


How the procedure is performed? – The needle is inserted into the skin (it may be very painful) to damage the follicle. Sterile needles should be used each time, because electrolysis treats only one hair at a time. Telling the truth it is tedious and harassing procedure, which requires a lot of time and can last several months or even years (it depends on how hairy the treated area is) – it is impossible to remove all unwanted hair within few weeks. Also there is a risk to inflame the skin what leads to scarring.

Skin after cosmetic procedures

Every surgical or non surgical procedure rebounds on a skin. Many people who decide to undergo one or another procedure ask such questions as “How will my skin look like? – What outcomes can I expect? Or can my chosen procedure spoil the skin?” and many others.

Liposuction and laser hair removal procedures have similar feature: they have direct impact with the skin. During liposuction subcutaneous layer of the skin is reconstructed to eliminate the excessive fat; during laser hair removal the subcutaneous layer of the skin is also reconstructed to eliminate unwanted hair.

Skin after liposuction

Those who undergo liposuction, usually worry about skin and ask their doctors what changes the operation will make. Strange though it may seem, but none! The appearance of skin after liposuction depends on its elasticity; it means that skin with good elasticity will look smooth and natural after liposuction. Even if the skin has poor level of elasticity, it usually looks good after the operation. Generally, younger people have better skin elasticity than older; this factor holds sway on the effective results of liposuction. Generally, those who have previously been obese and later lost a great amount of weight will have less skin elasticity than someone who has never been obese.

It is commonly known that the usual change of skin which is seen after liposuction is similar to condition when the great deal of fat is lost by dieting and exercising. Liposuction does not make skin to be more wrinkled. For instance, if there are wrinkles on the inner thighs or in an upper abdomen area prior the operation they will not disappear itself after the operation; liposuction will not help to fix them. This operation just eliminates the excessive fat it does not unwrinkle the skin.

Liposuction does not have any effect on a skin. After liposuction, blood and lymphatic vessels feel relieved of excessive fat. This makes skin look better; physical exercises and rational food are important to maintain the organism in the new good condition to help skin to look better. It is often seems to patients that no efforts are needed to improve the body condition after liposuction. They are wrong!! It is good to know that there are no changes done to the skin after liposuction, but they can arise if patients will not do main steps. It is necessary to wear a garment. It helps to “complete” theliposuction procedure; garment is needed for skin contraction. Light walking after liposuction will help too. This will help to reach the best results of good looking skin.

Skin after laser hair removal

There are some changes of a skin after laser hair removal. The redness always occurs after this procedure. It calms down within several hours, maximum in one day. Skin looks like it has a mild sunburn, but it disappears in a few weeks. However, there could be some permanent complications. Laser hair removal may cause skin discoloration or permanent scars. Every case is individual; doctors make tests to examine the skin to be sure whether the patient is a good candidate for laser hair removal or not.

Generally, majority of people who want to undergo laser hair removal are good candidates for laser hair removal. Cases when skin loses color are very rare. If there is any chance to occur for dramatic complications after laser hair removal, doctors always worn their patients. Much depends on skin sensitivity. More simple to eliminate blonde hair than dark hair. Blonde hair is light and thinner vice versa dark hair. It is possible that patient with the blonde hair will have less redness on the skin.

Also there can be skin irritation after laser hair removal, especially in a face, axilla, and bikini line or shin area. These places are the most sensitive. Irritation is normal reaction to laser hair removal and repairable. There a lot of products that are used after laser hair removal- various creams, gels, lotions. They are used in case skin irritation does not disappear in a few days. Doctors usually offer them to quicken the healing.

Is tummy tuck painful?

Pain is something that people are afraid of. They do not wish to suffer any pain or discomfort associated with the treatment. “Is tummy tuck painful?” is probably the most frequently given question of all.

To answer the question is important to understand how tummy tuck is performed and what the factors are those that influence the pain level of abdominoplasty. Tummy tuck is a major surgical procedure most often performed under general anesthesia. Only partial abdominoplasty (mini-tummy tuck) can be performed under local anesthesia and a sedative. Since patients are asleep during the whole procedure they do not experience any pain during surgery. However, some patient states that injections of medications are rather painful but this varies from person to person since the pain level is a very individual thing.

It is noted that people who have been afraid of tummy tuck surgery or had bad thoughts before surgery experience more pain in a pre-operative and post-operative periods. Also, patients who are more sensitive are said to have lower pain level and therefore can feel some pain, which is more a psychological factor rather than physical. Post-operatively you will have to undergo a rather long period of recovery during which some pain, swelling and discomfort are considered to be normal consequences of a healing process. Do not be concerned about that since pain is successfully managed with certain medications. Although in some cultures it is popular to say that beauty requires some suffering, nowadays, most cosmetic surgery do not involve any pain at all. This is due to a qualified help of a high-skilled doctor and the newest medications. So, pain should not be something for you worry about while planning tummy tuck.

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Tummy tuck cost

Tummy tuck as all cosmetic surgery includes some costs. You should be aware that beauty costs – both financially and physically. It includes some efforts and patience as well as some additional finances.

What has an influence on tummy tuck price?

Unfortunately, most insurance company policies do not cover the cost of cosmetic surgery, except for some rare cases when cosmetic surgery is needed to reconstruct vital functions of the body. Such exceptional cases in tummy tuck is the repair of a hernia covered by insurance. However, it still does not cover a full cost of abdominoplasty and you will have to pay an additional payment yourself. So, discuss the insurance issues with your doctor and write to your insurance company early before surgery. Your surgeon may also inform your insurance company about the necessity to perform a cosmetic procedure, if it is possible in your individual case. Even if so, the insurance company will not cover the whole cost of tummy tuck. In addition, bear in mind that in future this may affect your insurance coverage and your premiums may rise.

Be aware that tummy tuck costs depend on a number of different factors. The cost involves the facility fee, cost of surgical instruments and other surgical material. It also includes the cost of anesthetics, so a surgery performed under local anesthesia usually costs less than a surgery done under general anesthesia. The extent and complexity of a cosmetic surgery also adds to the price of tummy tuck. Therefore, you should know that partial abdominoplasty has a higher price than full abdominoplasty in general. The price may vary if a tummy tuck surgery is performed in combination with liposuction. Another factor that influences the price of abdominoplasty is a surgeon’s factor. The tummy tuck cost includes a surgeon’s fee. The more experienced the doctor the higher his or her fee. This fee also depends upon the reputation of a surgeon. It also includes pre- and post-operative consultations and some additional procedures needed.

Do not be tempted by exceptionally low prices, since the reason may be that not all these factors are included into the total price. Then the total price might be much higher than the one advertised. Be sure to ask your doctor for the total cost of tummy tuck before the surgical procedure so that you are not shocked to find out the price after surgery. The prices may differ significantly depending on the state or region. Usually, cosmetic surgery is more expensive in the western states of the United States compared to the rest of a country. Additionally, tummy tuck, as all cosmetic surgery, is less expensive in other certain parts of the world, such as some European countries or Thailand. Therefore, some people travel there in order to have tummy tuck or other plastic surgery performed, since they can get the same qualified management for a lower price.

Tummy tuck cost

Total price of tummy tuck varies from $6,500 to $8,500 depending upon the extent of surgery and certain practice. It may be lower in some states or regions.

Mini-tummy tuck , being a less complicated surgery, costs less than full tummy tuck. The price range varies from $5,500 to $6,500 also depending on the above mentioned factors.

Additional liposuction may cost from $2,600 to $6,500.

A wide range of the price shows that the procedure depends very much on the part of the stomach and the excess of fat deposits being removed. In total you may have to pay from $5,500 to $ 12,500 depending on the type of the surgery you need.

Since there are quite a few factors that affect the price of tummy tuck it is useful for you to check as many practices as possible in order to choose the best value. Do not forget that big advertisements do not necessarily guarantee a good quality and you would probably have to pay more so that you cover the price of an advertisement. A high price also does not necessarily indicate a qualified surgeon, so be careful judging a doctor only by a price of surgery. And finally, do not assume that you can expect better tummy tuck results if you pay more for tummy tuck. As with all cosmetic surgery, the most important is to have realistic expectations.

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Tummy tuck complications

Even though tummy tuck, when performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon, offers very good results, there are certain risks and complications that the procedure can possibly bring. It is important for you to know that there is no such surgical intervention that would be totally safe and without any risk or possible complications. Although complications associated with abdominoplasty are relatively rare but possible, and patients should be aware of them prior planning to have tummy tuck done.

Tummy tuck risks and comlications

Statistical medical data shows that less than five percent of patients experience complications after abdominoplasty.

Some risks and complications are said to be associated with the surgical procedure itself, whereas others are associated with the recovery period and healing process. Some risks and complications of tummy tuck depend upon individual characteristics of a patient. Patients who are fit and healthy before surgery recover quicker and have fewer complications. Those who have diabetes or high blood pressure are expected to have higher risk for complication after surgery. Therefore such patients should consider all the pros and cons of this cosmetic procedure prior tummy tuck. They should also discuss carefully with their surgeon all the medical history and medications that they take in order to reduce the possibility of complications.

Some risks and complications can be reduced by certain actions that can be taken by a patient himself. For example, smokers are known to have higher risks for complications than non-smokers. Hence, if you smoke you should quit doing it at least four weeks before surgery and not resume smoking at least three weeks after tummy tuck. You are also recommended to avoid sun overexposure, especially in the belly area, and extreme loss of weight prior to the surgery, as these factors influence the healing process. You must bear in mind that risks of tummy tuck are low and complications are very rare, however, as with all surgical procedures they still occur. Certain complications related to surgery include bad reaction to anesthesia, since most tummy tuck procedures are performed under general anesthesia. The risk of blood clots in the legs or lungs is also possible; therefore it is important for you to start moving around as soon as possible after surgery. More serious complications, such as respiratory or heart disorders and even death, are almost exceptional but still possible.


As mentioned above, some complications are related to the poor healing process. Unfortunately, these complications are more frequent. Most patients experience pain, swelling, soreness and overall tiredness for about six weeks after surgery and this is considered a normal recovery process. However, in some cases these symptoms may last longer and cause a serious discomfort to the patient. Most of these signs can be managed with certain medications. More serious complications during the healing period include infection, which usually is successfully treated but may cause the recovery period to be longer. Excessive bleeding is also one of the most common complications. While others, such as thick scar formation and skin loss, are rarer but can result in the need for the second surgery. Often fluid collects under the skin after the drains have been removed and the surgeon may need to aspirate the fluid with a needle.

The most important thing for you to learn is that risk for complications can be reduced with your help. You must try to follow all your doctor’s instructions given for the healing process. Be eager to cooperate with your surgeon and do not hesitate to consult your doctor in case any problems occur during the post-operative period. Since in some cases the risk of complications is due to expectations that a patient has about the results of tummy tuck, it is essential to have realistic expectations and discuss them thoroughly with your doctor prior surgery. Complications, associated with tummy tuck, are rare and uncommon. They are very seldom when tummy tuck is performed by a skillful and experienced doctor. Still, even a high-skilled doctor cannot change certain aspects that depend upon the patient self. Therefore a good and close cooperation between a surgeon and a patient is vital in order to lower the risk for complications related to abdominoplasty.

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