Do you really need it? Abbie story about liposuction

My name is Abbie, I’m 22 and I made the biggest mistake of my life. I had liposuction when I didn’t really need it. Ever since I turned eight I had problems with my weight. I was constantly on a diet. At my 19th birthday I decided to have liposuction.

The operation was a success as the surgeon didn’t remove too much fat. After that I lost some more weight for a year and the compliments started rolling in. I was complimented all the time at how good I looked. But at home it was always, "You need to exercise, your skin is wobbly, and your butt is huge" and my sisters were always talking about their weight or our weight. This was such a big issue in the house. Then I went through some really traumatic events in my life. Events that made me think that people only wanted to talk to me because I looked good and not for whom I am on the inside. I started to believe that more and more and that’s when I began to strive for perfection. I was also very sad and depressed at the time. This led to bulimia which I suffered in silence from for about 2 years.

As much as I tried to stop I couldn’t and I come from a place where this sickness is unacceptable and my parents would think I was stupid or insane to do something like this. I had no one to turn to. So I turned to liposuction once again. I thought it would stop my bulimia. That’s when it all went downhill for me. My mother was against the idea and she thought that by leaving the country I might not go through with it. This was her way of dealing with our problems. She always ran away. My sister was against it but she didn’t make that much of an effort to stop me. My other sister actually had the operation a week before I did. Anyways I had it done and with my luck, the surgeon got a little too enthusiastic and removed a lot more than I had asked for, leaving me with lots of loose skin and hollow areas in my thighs and my buttocks sagged. I now have a very unfeminine body and lots of irregularities in my thighs. To this day I wish I had not done it. I was fine with the body I had before. Now I feel ugly. But I’m working on it. I go to the gym 6 days a week and I eat a lot healthier, something I should have done before the op. I still have to work on the mental. I am still emotionally scarred and I don’t really know when I’ll start to fully accept my body again if I ever will. I have my good days and then there are the bad days.

I want to tell those who are considering liposuction to please think twice and three times about it. It really is not a permanent solution. Any mistake and you could end up even more emotionally scarred than before. My best advice to you is to really learn to love yourself the way you are. If you do then it will show and that’s why people will love you back. Not because you look good but because you feel good about yourself. I wish someone had given me this advice before I’d done the operation. And if there are parents reading this, please tell your children everyday how beautiful they really are and how perfect they are because your opinion is the one that counts the most to them. I’m not bulimic anymore but I still can’t talk to my parents about these issues. And I can’t really talk to my family about how I feel now either because they all have problems of their own and I feel like I have to let go and start moving on with my life otherwise I’ll end up tearing my self apart. I deal with each day as it comes and I tell myself I still have my health because that is the most important thing in life and that I am better off than so many other people. Thank you, God. Live your life to the fullest, enjoy every moment and most important, Love yourself, because you’re all that and some more.

Recommended e-books:

  1. Burn fat without surgery
  2. 10 days easy diet
  3. 60 sec to weight loss success
  4. Weight loss
  5. Lose fat easily

Exercising after cosmetic and plastic surgery

Everyone wants to feel himself attractive, but not everybody have this gift. That is why many people have decided to go through cosmetic surgery. The majority of them think that the hardest part is to make up one’s mind for the surgery, but this is not true! The most difficult part is the post-operative period.

Many patients ask their doctors, what they should do during the post-operative period. Also, doctors themselves give practical advices to their patients. Sport activities are especially emphasized. This article will be concentrated on exercising after liposuction , breast augmentation surgery , rhinoplasty surgery and laser eye surgery .


Generally, during a few first days’ patients take strong pain medicine and stay at home. On the first week they take milder medicine; during this period they can start light exercises, such as walking, but not impact exercises such as running or aerobics. The decision to go in for sports at one dash will have tragic outcome on patient’s health. On the second week patient can start to use exercise machines, and, finally the running and aerobics can be done other three weeks. There are no strict rules for exercising after cosmetic surgery, because every organism reacts individually, however, doctors recommend their patients to do light exercises. Initially, patients should not attempt too much exercise. Besides, it is rather difficult to do exercises wearing a garment that is why surgeon every time reminds their patients to wait and to start sport activities in a few weeks after the operation. There is no rush!! The scars and bruises should heal. As it was said earlier, the best exercise after the liposuction surgery is walking. All the patients should be physically able to walk in a few days after the operation. Short walks are strictly recommended, because if patient remains in bed he/she increases the risk for blood clots in the legs and lungs. Some patients who underwent the liposuction said that it was very difficult to start walking, because the pain they felt was hazardous, it was impossible to stand up. Also they said they dissipated a lot of energy during the recovery period and they hope that this will never happen again. The best solution would be to do about 25% of usual amount of exercises no matter how hard it would be (practice shows, that everyday it will be easier to do light exercises) and thereafter increase the daily exercise as tolerated.

Breast augmentation

The surgeon who performed the breast augmentation surgery knows what is appropriate for his patient; he/she gives recommendations on what level the physical activities should be resumed. As a rule, heavy lifting, pulling should be avoided for at least six weeks. However, women can do normal activities at any time if they cause no pain or discomfort. Let the body tells the patient what she can do or not do. Gentle walks are allowed within few days after breast augmentation . WARNING: do not return to aerobic exercises for three weeks, because aerobic exercises can raise a blood pressure, which can cause late bleeding and can harm the results. Don’t rush, begin with light exercises! Instead of choosing exercises for the good of your health better focus on massage procedures, it is more useful than sport activities. Breast massage helps to format the shape of it.


People who decided to undergo the rhinoplasty surgery should be very careful during the recovery time. They can start exercising only in a few weeks. It is indescribable dangerous to start doing exercises beforehand. After the rhinoplasty surgery the blood-vessels are very sensitive in the nose area. If you start to do exercises beforehand the vessels will not stand and the nose will start to bleed, what can harm the final results. During the activities the access of oxygen is more active. It influences the healing process. The smallest bruise while exercising can damage the shape of the nose, if it will happen, the new operation will be needed! Keep this in mind! Let your nose to heal properly.

Laser eye surgery

The exercising is very helpful after laser eye surgery . It helps to restore the natural flexibility of the eyes optimizing the visual performance. It is recommended to start exercising in a few days after the laser eye surgery. Exercising helps to improve the eyesight. Patients should do exercises several times a day for a few minutes. Ask your surgeon and he/she will show what exercises should be done. These exercises aren’t necessary, but telling the truth very useful! Everything depends on a patients’ willpower, if they want to they are welcome to help themselves to reach the best results.

Massage after cosmetic plastic surgery

Nowadays plastic surgery is very popular amongst people. It is commonly known, that decision to undergo the plastic surgery requires careful preparation. The main,”job’’ is to find all the information which is necessary to know (pre-operation, what is done during the operation, is doctor who performs the procedure is qualified enough, post-operation). The theme of this article will be related to post-operative course; especially the biggest part will be intended for massage procedures.


On the one hand patients who desire massage procedures can feel free to have gentle massage during recovery period; however, usually doctors do not prescribe massage. It would be much better to wear a compression garment even essential. It helps to reduce swelling and discomfort. Also the ice packs are advisable. It helps to disappear swelling and bruising. On the other hand, practice shows, that the majority of patients prefer massage procedures rather wearing garment a few extra weeks or to use ice packs compresses. Besides it depends on a surgeon and what part of the body was operated. Every case is exceptional. In fact some doctors claim, that if operation is performed in the abdomen or inner thigh area, the massage would be very useful. Patient can start the procedures in a few weeks. It is forbidden to start massage at one dash, because the time is needed for scars to heal.

Breast augmentation

Usually patients start the massage in a few days post-operation and then every few days until mastery is demonstrated. The surgeon who performed the operation will show how the massage should be done. Initially this procedure should be done every 2-3 hours for a few days, later 2-3 times a day about for three weeks and finally three times a day forever. The process takes approximately three minutes. The massage is used to keep the breast implants wide open, that’s why the implants stay soft, freely moveable, soft to the touch and natural-appearing to the eye. As it was said before patients who have gone through breast augmentation should massage them daily to keep them softer.

To compare liposuction and breast augmentation cases, massage procedures are more popular amongst those people who undergo the breast augmentation operation. The main reason is necessity. Surgeons strictly recommend to do breast massage during post-operative course. In liposuction case the massage is not necessary only if the patient wants to. There are more useful methods to improve physical condition during the recovery period after the liposuction operation.

If you are looking for the surgeon…

It is not a secret that the results of  plastic surgery depend not only on our organisms’ resiliency, but even on plastic surgeon. Before choosing a doctor, read these advices, which were written especially for your better preparation for surgery.

1. First thing to be done is to find out for how many years surgeon has been practicing on the plastic surgery. Some well-known plastic surgeon associations (as ASAPS- American Society For Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) on their websites has published names of reliable surgeons, but sometimes the highly-skilled doctors are not members of these associations, so it would good to ask him about his/her practice by yourself.

2. Find out does the surgeon has any hospital benefits, where is he certified.

3. Do not make a final decision if you did not have minimum four consultations with different surgeons!

4. It is very important if you feel that you can trust surgeon. But if you see that doctor doesn’t pay attention on your concern, just say “Goodbye” and visit another doctor!

5. During the first consultation tell your doctor all reasons why do you want this cosmetic plastic surgery, do not forget to mention any body imperfections that make you upset and what result are you expecting.

6. Ask your surgeon what kind of surgical (or even nonsurgical) techniques are available for your procedure and which he/she would recommend for you.

7. Listen carefully what surgeon says! Ask him/her more questions about treatment, its risk, complications and results.

8. Ask the doctor how he/she will correct complications.

9. Ask the surgeon what you should do during your recovery period, what remedies should you take, will you need a caregiver, when can you return to work and daily activities.

10. Make clear what is the surgeon’s policy on revisions – will he/she charge for them or they are included to your total surgical price.

11. Ask your surgeon does he/she have 24-hours emergency line, is it possible to call him/her any time you feel discomfort and pain.

12. Don’t be shy to ask the surgeon to show before and after pictures (usually this photos represent the surgeon’s best work).

13. It is vitally important to discuss about total surgical price during the very first consultation. You have to be informed are the any additional costs (for ex., compression garments, remedies and etc.), will they return money if you decide to cancel the treatment and what payment options (cash, credit card, paying by instalments and etc.) are offered by the surgeon.

14. You can search for additional information by yourself. Sometimes it’s quite useful to read messages on forums and discussion boards.

Jennet story about laser hair removal

I have had very strong hair in unwanted places on my legs and on the bikini zone. At age of 13 I started to shave my legs. As the years went by, I got more dark hair on my bikini zone, they were so dark and so strong, I felt so desperate and helpless to change anything – it was a disaster!!! They were so dark that’s why they were seen – I have forgotten about sunbathing and spending time by the sea. I felt ashamed about all the times I forgot to take care of the hair. I was afraid that someone would notice my problem. At age of 15 I went to the family doctor and asked to do a research, to find out what is going on with my organism. It took me a week to do all the tests – doctor told me that I had too much male hormones and added that it is heritable. At that time I was emotionally unstable. I even felt in depression…Somehow I face the problem of mine and understood that I had one choice – to eliminate those awful hair by using common techniques.

Laser hair removal

When I was 18 years old I started to use waxing, it helped, really! But only for several weeks. I was so tired of trying to rid off unwanted hair. I have been doing waxing procedures for several years. When I was 22 (2003) the best friend of mine suggested me to try the hair laser removal. I thought why not! I tried so many techniques why not trying one more. It was the last hope for me to eliminate the hair. That’s why I resolved to undergo this procedure. But…I could not afford it…I started to doubt and decided not to do the hair laser removal. In a half a year I changed my mind. I went to the bank and took a loan. The first step was done.

Then I found the beauty centre where such procedures were performed and book a consultation. Firstly, I felt myself little bit unusual, but when the doctor came in and smiled to me I calm down. It was very nice talk in a very cozy cabinet. She explained me how the whole procedure would go (the beam of laser light is sent to a group of hair follicles with enough power to destroy the root, but not enough power to harm the surrounding skin. The surrounding skin is cooled with a gel, a spray, etc.). Then she asked to show problematic places for evaluating the level of the problem. After the consultation she told me to set the date of the procedure. The treatment time began in the end of august. I had 4-8 sessions to achieve permanent hair reduction. The doctor told me that the leg area isn’t so sensitive like other areas of the body. It means that the process of hair removal won’t make me feel uncomfortable. Also she promised me that I will never again face such problem as hair shaving or painful waxing procedure.

Laser hair removal results

I was so satisfied with the results that I decided to repeat the procedure, but for this time I wanted to eliminate the unwanted hair from the bikini line. I choose the same centre and the same doctor, because I trusted her. She explained me that bikini line hair laser removal may be more problematic. Naturally I asked “why?” she told me that the skin of this area prone to irritation and ingrowths hair and I remembered that I really had a problem with ingrowths hair. It was very painful!!! Furthermore the area of the bikini line is extremely sensitive, that’s why procedure could be more painful as usually, but my doctor assure me that she would deal with this problem giving me mild anesthetic and added that I would go through 4-6 treatments to reach the results. Generally the removal process is safe. Of course there can be side effects such as pinkness or redness to the skin on the treated area, but it’s natural.

Personally I had the redness on the bikini line for six days, but then it has gone. My doctor warned me that sometimes it may take a few days for the normal skin color to appear. Hair laser removal procedure is almost painful. I felt like someone was pinching my skin. In the end of treatment the hair has disappeared – I was extremely happy, like ahahahahahahah!!! Finally it happened!!! Telling the truth after the second treatment I noticed an amazing difference. …I used to shave my legs and bikini line every single day. It has now been two years since the last time I shaved. I followed all the recommendations. For instance did not take sunbathing for five weeks, I did not swim in the swimming pool.

I am so happy and  so glad, because I have smooth skin everywhere! And I don’t regret choosing the hair laser removal. It cost me a lot of money, but it doesn’t matter, the most important thing to me to have beautiful skin!!

Emily story about rhinoplasty

I am 21 years old. I had a rhinoplasty several eight months ago. My doctor, whom I choose, has been doing plastic surgery for over 12 years. He was rather popular amongst those people who have gone through plastic surgery. He had really good recommendations and that’s why I let him to perform my nose operation.

To begin with I had a knobble on my nose, a big one. Several months I was looking for proper profile, I looked through magazines, made a search on the internet looking for some pictures and finally I picked out the profile I wanted.

During my first consultation the surgeon explained me how all would going to be, also he honestly answered all the questions which I gave him and then he decided to show how my nose would look after the operation. He took some photos with digital camera and put them in to the computer. He “fixes” my nose and shows me how I would look. I was satisfied with the visit and decided to undergo the operation with this doctor.

Rhinoplasty surgery

Finally my day came. As it was planned in the morning I arrived to clinics. The nurse told me to stay in the waiting room for a while, because my doctor will come a little bit later – she explained that surgeon has not yet finished performing the procedure with another patient. When the doctor came we had a last talk before operation – he told me what he would do. Then we went to operating room. It took half an hour to prepare for procedure. I was laying on the operating table and prayed for successful ending. After a moment I felt into sleep.

When I woke up I understood that I am in recovery room. It seemed to me that operation was lasted for about 10 minutes, though it took two hours to perform rhinoplasty. I felt a bit of pressure behind my eyes and I could not open them. I started to panic, but doctor said that it is normal reaction after rhinoplasty. The surgeon encouraged me to open my eyes, but I could not it was so hard and painful!!! When I finally opened them I felt hazardous pain!! After the operation I did not stay in the hospital, my parents came to take me home. Doctor prescribed me eyes drops and pills to decrease the pain. This medicine helped me a lot and in a few days the pain has gone. I felt discomfort only while sleeping, because my throat was very tender from being intubated. Once my throat healed, I felt fine.

Recovery process

On the third day my swelling and bruising was hazardous! My eyes became extremely red, my cheeks were swollen too. I look awful and it was traumatic to see myself like this. On the six day I started to think that I will never look normal again. I became very sensitive and the same time angry at myself for what I have done! Few weeks later, little by little intumescences has gone and I felt necessity to go out somewhere so…the first journey was to my friend’s house. At that day she celebrated her birthday. I was so pleased to hear that I look great and that my profile is fantastic! It influenced my feelings about rhinoplasty and positivism came back! Of course there were some scars left on my face, but they finally gone after the seven weeks.

Telling the truth the procedure was relatively painless! The hardest part of my recovery was sitting at home, going nowhere and waiting for results. Overall I am very satisfied with my decision! It was luck to have such a doctor as mine. I was so happy for decision to let this surgeon to perform the operation! I feel myself BEAUTIFUL now!

Many people told me I look great, only a few did not noticed the changes on my face, they just said that I look different. I made the right choice and I am happy with the results! I have rid off of this problem which could not gave peace for so many years. I feel comfortable with my appearance!!

Eve story about liposuction

I am 25 years old. I had problems with and inner thighs till I decided to undergo the liposuction procedure. But…I will start to tell my story from the very beginning. When I was 16 years old I put on weight 15 kilogrammes. Telling the thruth I thought that being on a diet would help me to get rid of those unnecessary kilogrammes. As the matter of fact it really did, after the half a year my weight was 68 kilogrammes, I got rid of 11 kg.!!! But during the next year all my over weight came back, especially on my thighs. I tried to go in for sports, the menu of a day was really strong. But it helped me only for a while. You see I have some problems with my stomach.

Year in, year out I was considering what to do, I have heard about liposuction procedure, but I knew that I was not prepare for it. So I decided to wait and to look around whether to try liposuction or not. After graduating from the university in 2002 I began to collect all the information I have found about liposuction procedure. The year later I started to search for a doctor who would performe my liposuction procedure. It took eight months to find a surgeon.


How the whole time of treatment began…Firstly I have gone through three consultations at the doctor, it was scary, because I knew that this operation will change my body and I was hoping for good. During these three consultations surgeon have checked my physical condition. It was needed for doctor to determine if I am an acceptable candidate for liposuction. We have discussed medical conditions that I have and to tell my doctor about any medications that I am taking including any herbal or other non-prescription ones. Finally, my doctor decided that I can have liposuction; we discussed the procedure thoroughly with him before deciding if I really want to go through with the procedure. The day before operation my doctor was asked to show how the procedure is performed.


We went to the operating-room and he started to explain me what he will do during the procedure…. Once the anesthesia is working, he will make a cut in the inner thigh. A canula, otherwise called a tube that is about the size and shape of a skinny pen will be inserted into the cut. He will be moving this canula back and forth to suction out the fat. The fat, and liquid that has been injected, are collected in a flask. This is how the procedure goes…trully when I saw the canula I thought that I will lose consciousness, it was so long and rather thick. At some moment I started to doubt and wanted to change my mind, but on the other hand it was the dream of mine to have beautifel thighs and I made a resolve to undergo the procedure. It was the longest day in my life though procedure has lasted only couple of hours! The fisrt thing which the surgeon has done – he marked my inner thighs with a pen to indicate where the fat is to be removed. During the last consultation the doctor asked me what anethesia I would prefer – the general or the local one. I choose the first one. I thuoght it would be better for me to be in a deep sleep during the whole operation, I wanted to prevent myself from the long waiting and thinking how the procedure goes. I must tell you that it was not so scary I thought it would be. All this day, the 7th of June, was like a dream to me.

After surgery

Everything was all right. I had i sigh of relief that during the operation there were no complications! Another two days I stayed in a hospital. It was awful! I felt the pain all over my thighs and was feeling badly, thanks god it lasted only oa few days. The surgeon explained me that it is normal reaction. The pain will disappear in a few weeks. Also he provideded me with medicine garment which I had to wear another three weeks. When I came back home I was afraid to look into the mirror to see what changes the surgeon have done. The pain was strong enough so the great part of the day I was spending in bed. You CANNOT IMAGINE the pain of sitting down on a normal chair or even, I must confess, on a normal toilet seat! This nightmare have lasted for two weeks, I started to panic!!! It was so hard to do nothing just lying in bed all these days! But as someone has once said – time is a great healer!! I had five post op visits at the doctors. He gave me some after-surgery intructions, such as: to wear compression garments, which he provided me with, to take some antibiotics. The scars started to heal in a week. Antibiotics that surgeon priscribed quickened the healing. The medicine was operating on the fisrt day of consumption. Also it reduced the pain.


Since I had a job I took a vacation for one month. I did not want to have any complications during the healing time, so it was better to stay at home and to have some rest, because my doctor have warned me about the level of activities that is safe for me after the procedure. In a week I saw the results…Though I could see them on the second day after the operation, I did not want to, I was afraid of changes, however, the operation was done and there was no way back! I wanted to scream when I saw my thighs!!!! They were so thin, so beautiful!!! As the doctor have said to me there were small scars, where he cut the skin.

I’m so happy  that I had enough courage to undergo the liposuction procedure! I can strongly confirm that I do not regret for my decision! I am happy, I have beautiful legs and from now on I can wear short skirts every day!

Recommended e-books:

  1. Burn fat without surgery
  2. 10 days easy diet
  3. 60 sec to weight loss success
  4. Weight loss
  5. Lose fat easily

Chris story about laser eye surgery

My name is Christian. Little about me: I am 23 and I wanted to get Laser Eye Treatment because I feel glasses are a nuisance and really haven’t liked the idea of contact lenses!

My current prescription is: Right, Sph-3.25 ; Left, Sph -3.00; Cyl -0.75, Axis 90!

After hours of collecting as much information as I could about Laser Eye Surgery I felt ready to go ahead and book a consultation. So on Saturday 9th July I trundled along to my 4:30 appointment with my mother in low! Even though I researched as much as possible to feel at ease the nerves still set in as soon as I walked in! The place and the staff were very professional and so I filled out my medical form and waited to be seen! I was then collected and led off to perform some tests! Had this device that scanned your eyes, and then another that tested how your eyes focused then another that puffed air into your eyes and every damn time I jumped!!! Then I had to wait to see the ophthalmologist. Then got called in and went over my medical form! Did the basic eye chart test, another for how much water your tear ducts produce, pupil dilation, this other device that run a beam of light over my eyes!


Then the dreaded corneal thickness test but with the anesthetic didn’t feel a thing, just saw two circles of light which focused together at a point where I assume the needle was and saw a light rippling affect over my eyes! Funny feeling having your eyes numb can’t feel them but you can feel the weight of them in your sockets!!! After that I was told I am eligible for ULTRALasik plus with Wavefront! At this point I am to happy to think clearly so couldn’t ask any questions, but just answered yes to treatment! So back in the waiting room and this guy came in for his check-up even though he had a weakness in his left eye all he could say was: "I wish I had it done years ago"

So next I was seen by another woman and talked through a bit of aftercare and what to expect on the day of treatment! I asked one or two questions!!! So there we go after that discussion I was led back down stairs to the sight of my mother really engrossed into a copy of a Woman’s Weekly! So left feeling a little dazzled but then actually felt it since I hadn’t put my sun glasses on! My pupils were huge, you’d swear I’d been on something, just prayed as I walked to the Train Station, that the Police wound’s spot check me! Overall the whole experience was fine, the only thing I felt is that it was rather rushed! But I’m not complaining! So I am booked in for treatment on Tuesday 19th July, only wish it was sooner!

Treatment day

Nerves kicked in on the way to Cardiff so spent some time wandering around to take my mind off what was going to happen! Eventually got to the clinic, again with my mother in tow, signed a few forms and met my surgeon, Harry Brilakis. So went over my results of my consultation and answered all my questions and even asked me if I preferred to LASEK over LASIK since I expressed my fears! I was then led to another small waiting room which seemed like forever going over in my head any questions I may have left! But nerves really! Met the nurse, Nathan, who talked through the aftercare and gave me my eye drops and shields! Had my eyes cleaned which left this icky, tight feeling around my eyes then I pain numbing eye drops, then I was led into the TREATMENT ROOM!!!! After meeting the team I was asked to lay on the bed and they made sure I was comfortable and added more eye drops and covered my left eye. I was acting like a child on the bed kicking my legs up in the air since I was so nervous! They checked with me my details and treatment type then I was moved under the laser and I went all tense! So the procedure began with my eyes being clamped down, discomfort but no pain, and then marked up my eyes with a pen. Then a circle of metal was placed over my yes then the suction cup!!! Not bad really just my vision faded to a point and then the device was taken away and the flap was pulled back and everything went sparkly. The nurse then said eye recognized the surgeon help my head in place and then the laser began, tick-tick and the smell of burnt hair! I could see the red light getting bigger and bigger until it took my whole vision up! So two zaps later my eye was cleaned and I was allowed to sit down whilst they tested the laser! The same procedure followed for my left eye but since I knew what was going to happen I was that more tense which didn’t help, really uncomfortable! They had used a different speculum on my left and it took three zaps with my left, must have been the stigmatation!


Thank god the nurse held my head to reassure me it helped to settle my nerves a great deal! Once I was in the recovery room I settled down with a cup of tea tested my new sight on signs I could see through the window of the door, amazing I could read them! I had to keep reminding myself that I just had laser eye surgery! After a little while the surgeon checked me over and everything was fine. I did question why the difference with speculum and he said it just it sometimes the eye doesn’t take to it since they use either a wire or blade which I could hear on my left!!! I was reassured everything has gone great so feeling like a million pounds I made my way home! My eyes streamed like Niagara Falls and felt gritty but my right was worst than my left! Great how the trains run late when you really want to get home and then having to stand all the way whilst someone smoked right next to you! But kept my eyes closed for most of the journey and then once home began the drops (should have practiced first mind!). So after a cat nap I had a phone call from the nurse to check on my progress, the only problem I had was that my right eye felt like something was in it! The nurse reassured me and then asked me to ring him back in a few hours to see how it was! Later on my right eye was still concerning me but after having another conversation with the nurse who said it could be because the device they use to react with the flap can graze the lens so I was put at ease with this news! So ends the day had to remember to rest my eyes but it’s so hard always wanting to test my new sight! Simply amazing!!!

Post Op

Well after yesterday’s adventure I slept pretty well even with the eye shields, I scared myself in the mirror! Began my regime of administering my eye drops and I go and drop my eye lubricant, give it a clean and then I have a phone call from the nurse again to check on my progress and after hearing what happened told me that they would change the bottle when I go for my check up! Apart from the halos and the light sensitivity I have to keep reminding myself that I’ve had laser surgery done! Guess it hasn’t fully sunk in since I am still using my sun glasses and to me it feels sometimes like prescription sunglasses! My vision I know is far better than when I was wearing glasses! At the clinic again (swear I live there!) The optometrist checked me over and I could read all the way to bottom of the chart which is something like 6/4 (no sure!). Also got my change of bottle, yippee! So with this confirmation of my great vision I walked away a very happy man, I was also clear to drive .

Second day post

The only thing to report at this point is that I have noticed purple marks on my eyes under my top eye lids, which after speaking to the nurse is perhaps just some light bruising or some residual blood shot nerves! Which will clear over time? Today will be my first attempt at driving! I can’t thank the staff enough especially the nurse, Nathan, who has checked on my progress everyday and been there for me whenever I get my panic attacks!

Third Day Post

Just to let you know how my driving went really! Even though I know I’ve got great vision I still don’t fully trust it just yet and when I drove I was tense! Had my sunglasses on which are so dark I couldn’t read the speedometer!!! But I survived and I still can’t believe my vision, it’s like a new world, I just need to experience different things with it now, I am so excited about the future, words cannot describe! Just got to get over the shock now since there is always an element of doubt before the procedure, but this has exceeded my expectations! Just need to be patient and wait until my vision settles really! But the halos are so weird almost ghostly; I’m just fascinated at the moment (what with the novelty factor!) Right I will shut up now, will keep you all updated!

One week check-out

Well went for my check up yesterday and it seems that both eyes can see better than 20/20! My right eye has no prescription left but my left eye has a residual stigmatation but not enough to warrant the need for glasses or re-treatment hopefully! So me is one happy chappy! Still waiting for things to settle like the halos, haze and bruising but I’m not complaining! I am booked in for another check-up in a month’s time!

Two weeks post op

Well I experienced my first night without the shields, bliss! Even though I didn’t find them much of a hassle it’s great not to have to wear them any longer! The only thing that ruined the experience was diving out of bed this morning with cramp! I’m still suffering with fluctuations in vision, halos, starbursts, haze (which is basically the sensitivity to light!) and the bruising! Funny thing I thought that the visual problems are only experienced at night halos and starbursts, but since the op it happens in the day!!! But still happy!

Recommended e-book about laser eye surgery alternative:

  1. Secrets to perfect eyesight

Mark story about laser eye surgery

I’m 44 years old, married with 1 child. I’ve been wearing glasses since I was 15. My current prescription is:

Left Eye: SPH -3.25, Cyl -1.25, Axis 010

Right Eye: SPH -2.75, Cyl -1.25, Axis 160

I had my consultation on 25/06/05 and was recommended to have Ultra-Lasik Plus due to slight aberration in both eyes. I’m due to have my treatment on this Saturday, 23/07/05 at Leeds. At Present I’m feeling fine about everything and can’t wait, but I’m sure come the day the nerves will rise. So fingers crossed for Saturday.


Well, I’ve gone and done it. It’s very soon after and every thing is still a little hazy and blurry. Although much better than before treatment without glasses. I’m going to rest my eyes for the rest of the day and hopefully tomorrow will bring clear vision. The treatment itself went without problem although my eyes were sore for 2 or 3 hours. That has now eased. The flap cut was the worst bit but wasn’t too bad and only lasted a few seconds. The actual laser bit was a bit of an anti-climax – just stare at the red light hear the slight noise of the laser doing its thing and not notice it was doing anything.

Treatment Day + 1

I’ve just got back from my 1 day check up in Leeds. I have 6/6 in my left eye, 6/5 in my right eye and with both eyes together. To say I’m pleased is an understatement. I have halos when looking at lights etc. but this isn’t too bad and hopefully this will go as the days go by. At present I have little discomfort, hardly anymore than when wearing contact lenses. I’m still trying to rest my eyes as much as possible, just so I don’t over do it. As I am not having any real problems at the moment I think it would be easy to do so.

Treatment Day + 2

I woke up this morning and right eye was stinging slightly, though not enough to be of concern. Yesterday my right eye was the one that was feeling OK and it was the left eye that was a touch sore. Today my left eye is fine. They must be taking it in turns Eye sight in right eye was also slightly blurred until about 11am but has been fine since. I’m still finding it difficult to look at the computer screen/TV when the background is bright. I’ve changed the color scheme on the computer and turned the brightness down and this has helped. Tec on screen is a little blurred when the screen is bright. I think it’s the halo effect running into the text. I am sure this will rectify itself in the days to come. So far I think things are going extremely well and I am chuffed to bits. I am feeling more confident now about the final results.

First day of being able to drive

When I went for my acute C/U I was advised that although my eyesight was well above driving standard it was best to leave it three days before driving. Today being the third day after the C/U I decided to drive my wife to work. I was a little nervous even though I could read number plates well past the 20.5 meters required for driving. My right eye was a little bleary. I needn’t have worried. I was fine. My right eye is a bit dry today though. No discomfort, just slight fuzziness as if it has the thinnest layer of grease across it. This goes off after putting drops in and "resting" my eye for a few minutes. Overall both eyes slowly continue to improve and reading the computer screen is a little easier still than yesterday. Looking towards bright areas still glaring although again slightly better. I had been wearing light sunglasses most of the time, even indoors, which was helping to reduce the strain on my eyes. I no longer need them indoors and outdoors they are just preventing critters and things from flying into my eyes and helping at the infrequent times that the sun comes out.

Recovery still going well

So far I seem to have had a relatively easy time since the zap. I have had some problems with dry eyes, haloes, difficulty reading computer screens etc. However, these have not been severe. I’ve now stopped using the Antibiotic and Anti-inflammatory eye drops. I’ve only had to use the artificial tears once today, first thing after getting up. My eyes have been fine since then. First big test is tomorrow when I go back to work. I use a computer virtually all day. Whilst looking at the screen is a lot better now than earlier in the week I am having a problem focusing using both eyes. Individually either eye can focus on the screen, but together seems to be a problem. I know that I have breaks away from pc, cause my eyes and brain are still adjusting to the change.

After 10 days  my vision is great – 20/20 in both eyes. Although my left eye is the better of the two. Strange since at my 1 day appointment it was the other way round. Doctor checked my eyes very thoroughly and was genuinely impressed by the standard of the surgery. Everything was healing well. I’m still having some dryness first thing in a morning, but nothing that not sorted with the eye drops. Although, the optician suggested some sort of gel for use at night time instead of the Hypromellose as the gel apparently lasts longer and would help with the dryness first thing. I would have tried it as I am sure it would help but at the moment it’s manageable and didn’t want to pay £5 for it from him. I suppose if I’d gone back for my checkup they would have given me this for free if they felt I needed it. And only 3 more nights to go with the eye shields.

After 3 more days eyeshields are not necessy anymore! Eyes are recovering great with very little dryness now.  I’m really happy!

Recommended e-book about laser eye surgery alternative:

  1. Secrets to perfect eyesight

Alternatives to liposuction

Women always wanted to look perfectly – they wanted to have beautiful face and good looking body. Women who had problems with weight, made up their mind to undergo the liposuction procedure, when the liposuction technique became available for society. The majority of them were satisfied with results. Liposuction was so popular that it achieved the distinction of being the most popular cosmetic surgical procedure! However liposuction is a very serious surgical procedure and may involve a painful recovery. Still many women and even man decide to undergo the liposuction.

Sometimes people change their mind not to do the operation; sometimes doctors refuse to perform the operation, claiming that patient is not a good candidate for liposuction, because he/she has health problems. In such case people try to find alternatives to liposuction.

The way to achieve weight loss is making by lifestyle changes. Healthy eating and proper exercises in daily routine will help to shape the body. Choose a diet that will allow losing weight safely and effectively. It should be balanced both hormonally and calories, including a variety of fresh, wholesome foods. For people who decided not to undergo the fat soaking operation, there are four solutions: to go on a diet; exercise; accept the body as it is; use clothing or make-up to downplay or emphasize body or facial features. Also there are such alternatives as abdominoplasty or reduction mammaplasty. The last two alternatives are up for concrete areas of the body.


Otherwise called “tummy tuck” is a cosmetic surgical procedure used for reshaping the abdomen. The excess fat is removed from the middle and lower abdomen in order to tighten the skin. Sometimes when the big part of weight is missed out, the unnecessary skin stays; in such case the abdominoplasty is the only way to remove it.

Reduction mammaplasty or breast reduction

Women with large breasts may have health problems caused by the excessive weight from back. Bra straps may leave marks on the shoulders. Breast reduction is designed for such women. It helps to decrease the pain in the back area. Large breasts mean heavy breasts. Heaviness causes the pain in the back and neck area. There were cases when women have problems with breathing or skin (heavy breast entrain the skin).

Generally last two cases are not alternatives it is more likely an exception.

The most reasonable alternatives to liposuction are exercising and going on a diet. Initially, people should try to slim down by using “natural liposuction”. There a lot of sport clubs, that offers variety of sport programs, different sport activities in swimming pool. Instead of losing weight by eating nothing they can book a visit to dietician who will prescribe the proper diet for them. If the results won’t be satisfactory after all they have done they may choose to undergo liposuction.

People become spoiled. They pay money for cosmetic surgical procedures instead of trying to reach positive results by themselves. It is understandable when people undergo laser eye operation or rhinoplasty, or laser hair removal, or breast correction, but overweight can be fixed by natural means, liposuction is not the only solution to improve body lines!

Recommended e-books:

  1. Burn fat without surgery
  2. 10 days easy diet
  3. 60 sec to weight loss success
  4. Weight loss
  5. Lose fat easily