Breast augmentation surgery

The most important aspect of plastic surgery is choosing a surgeon with experience, reputation, and success necessary, and ensuring that all breast augmentation surgery questions are answered beforehand. The surgeon will not perform surgery until the patient has been fully reviewed, instructed and has no questions regarding the breast implants procedure. Patients that do not feel confident with the procedure are not advised to continue. In the consultations, surgeon will give instructions to prepare for surgery, including recommendations on eating and drinking, smoking, and taking or avoiding certain vitamins and medications. The plastic surgeon also have to consider the original size and shape of the breasts, skin type, and other factors before breast augmentation to advise the patient of the options available and to see if the patient’s goals are realistic. Besides surgeon should explain the type of anesthesia to be used, the type of facility where the surgery will be performed, and the costs involved.

Breast augmentation surgery

Today, breast augmentation cosmetic procedures have less risk of complication than ever. Breast augmentation is performed on an outpatient basis using a general or local anesthesia. The breast augmentation procedure usually takes about two hours. The length of the procedure varies according to the techniques used, the placement of the implants, the patient’s anatomy, and the type of anesthesia used. One of the more frequent techniques used requires an incision under the lower portion of the breast near the chest wall or under the lower portion of the areola (the darker area around your nipple). After the incision is made, a pocket is created under the breast tissue or beneath the chest wall muscle. The implant is securely positioned in the pocket, and small sutures are used to close the incision. When procedure has been completed, the patient will be taken into the recovery area and continue to be monitored. The breasts will be wrapped in a dressing that will not be removed for a few days. Breast augmentation surgery , like all surgery, involves some risk of infection, so patients should be careful after breast augmentation surgery to keep incision clean and call their doctor at the first sign of infection.

Breast augmentation anesthesia

There are a few choices that person may have for anesthesia although not all surgeons and their practices will offer every one. Breast augmentation can be performed with a general anesthesia, so patient will sleep through the entire operation. Some surgeons may use a local anesthesia, combined with a sedative to make person drowsy and relaxed, but awake and some discomfort may be felt.

Anesthesia helps to forget about surgery and healing process is better and faster when one does not feel or remember pain. As soon as your body is cut or manipulated it “goes to work”. The heart rate quickens, body starts to repair the injury with vengeance. Well, anesthesia blocks this reaction until after the surgery is over. The surgery patient is having, as well as health, habits etc., all play important roles in which type of anesthesia is right.

Nonsurgical breast augmentation method

Nonsurgical breast augmentation methods contain a wide variety of options: herbal remedies, pills, creams, and other devices. Some persons know that breast implants cost much money, and understand nonsurgical breast augmentation as an uncostly alternative, while others feel that the other advantages of a non-surgical breast enhancement are more important, including lower risk of side effects, natural ingredients, and no convalesce period. Nonsurgical breast augmentation may not offer the instantresults guaranteed by implants, but a lots of women who have chosen non-surgical breast augmentation method assert that the results come within weeks or months and are permanent.

Recommended e-book about natural breast augmentation:

  1. You can enlarge your breast naturally without surgery, please take a look at this e-book.

Breast augmentation procedure

Breast augmentation has become one of the most frequently performed cosmetic plastic surgeries. The first surgical procedure was introduced in 1890. Now more and more women resolve to have breast augmentation. 

Many women choose to have their breasts enlarged in order to satisfy their own desire for a fuller bust line. Breast augmentation, technically is known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure to augment the size and shape of a woman’s breast for a number of reasons:

  • to enhance the body contour of a woman who, for personal reasons, feels her breast size is too small;
  • to correct a contraction in breast volume after pregnancy;
  • to balance a difference in breast size.

By inserting an implant behind each breast, surgeons are able to increase a woman’s bust line by one or more bra cup size. If you’re considering breast augmentation , this will give you a basic understanding of the procedure – when it can help, how it’s performed, types of breast implants , anesthesia and what results you can expect.

Recommended e-book about natural breast augmentation:

  1. You can enlarge your breast naturally without surgery, please take a look at this e-book.

Breast implants

Breast implants are used to help women achieve their desired breast size and shape. There is a diversity of implant types: saline-filled, silicone gel-filled, silicone/saline combination, PVP-Hydrogel and plant oil. There are round and anatomic implants. The rounded implant gives a fuller upper chest and cleavage. The anatomic or often called teardrop implants are sometimes recommended for skinny women because it may result in a more natural looking upper chest. The outer surface of the implant may be either smooth or textured. There is no conclusive evidence, but textured implants considered to help reduce the adverse effect of capsule formation around the implant. There are also various surgical techniques used to insert implants. Furthermore implants come in many sizes – depending on the amount of augmentation desired.

Saline breast implants

These breast implants contain saline, sterile salt water. The implant is surgically inserted while empty and is filled after, which allows for some adjustment in size. According to some, the major drawback of saline breast implants is that they do not feel or look as natural as gel implants. In addition, many plastic surgeons believe that this type of implants tend to have a higher rate of leaking and deflation than silicone gel implants. On the other hand, if the saline does leak into the body, it is similar to other body fluids and is absorbed without harm.

Silicone breast implants

The implant consists of an elastomer envelope before breast augmentation surgery filled with a clear, sticky, thick jelly-like form of silicone that closely approximates the consistency of breast tissue. Silicone implant gained national attention and was banned in 1992 by FDA (Food & Drug Administration) when reports of leaking implants were linked to negative side effects. Since that time conflicting studies have emerged on the safety of silicone implants and as a result, there has been a push by some groups to reintroduce the silicone breast implant. Silicone breast implants are still readily available and regularly used by plastic and gender-reassignments surgeons throughout the world.


Plant oil-filled implants

They have been developed from the concern over health safety issues relative to the silicone gel-filled implant. These breast implants are filled with natural vegetable oil and offers greater safety for women. They are available throughout the European Union but still undergoing clinical trials in the US. The new implant called Trilucent contains triglyceride oil that has been used for 40 years as a nutrient in intravenous feeding and as drug carrier in injections. The manufacturers of Trilucent indicate like saline, it can be metabolized and excreted by the body, but it is also resistant to bacterial and fungal contamination whereas saline is not. However, there were some concerns about use of vegetable oil (if oil breaks down in the body it can potentially cause cancer or damage to a fetus).

Many of today’s implants have textured surfaces which are designed to reduce capsular contracture. However in US breast augmentations almost exclusively use a silicone shell filled with saline implants because of their safety and natural look. Recent developments use a variety of materials, but saline and silicone remain the most commonly used fillers.

Recommended e-book about natural breast augmentation:

  1. You can enlarge your breast naturally without surgery, please take a look at this e-book.

Breast augmentation risks

Every year, many thousands of women undergo successful breast augmentation surgery; however, anyone considering surgery can have an adverse reaction to the anesthesia or be affected by postoperative complications. These problems can occur even when the surgeon has performed the operation with the utmost skill.

Breast augmentation risks

Breast implants problems can range in severity from mild nuisances to life-threatening incidents. Some of the possible breast implant problems are surgically related, while others have to do with the implant itself. Luckily, breast implant problems that can be serious in nature do not occur very often. Although slight problems seem to be frequent, but they are easily removable. Some of the general breast augmentation risks contain surgical problems, most specifically infection. However a number of advances in technology let most patients to escape problems related to large incisions. Now, almost every surgery uses small, hidden incisions, and heading off breast implant problems caused by scarring is possible through the use of Vitamin E and lotions. Breast augmentation problems such as capsular contracture, leakage, or even rupture may be possible. Among the most serious breast implant problems, capsular contracture takes the buildup of scar tissue around the implant.


Patients experiencing such complications including the hardening of the breast, or a more round appearance should talk about their implant problems to a doctor and must be checked for capsular contracture. Preventative measures, including daily massage, prevent breast implant problems like contracture, and help promote monitoring and the early detection of other possible disadvantages, such as leaking or ruptured implants. Understanding the potential for breast implant problems, as well as ways to monitor for complications is vital for potential patients. Discussing implant problems with a board-certified plastic surgeon can help candidates form realistic expectations for their own surgery. All breast augmnetation risks continue to decrease as the technology and techniques used in surgery advance.

Recommended e-book about natural breast augmentation:

  1. You can enlarge your breast naturally without surgery, please take a look at this e-book.

Breast augmentation cost

Breast augmentation procedure still has a fallacy about it, although it is becoming more and more popular. Once reserved for just the rich and famous, breast augmentation financing was not possible for the average person. However, times have changed drastically and now typical breast augmentation patient is a 32-year old mom with two kids that wants to restore the appearance of youth.

Breast implants cost

Breast implant prices average is from $4,000 to $9,000 per procedure, although specific breast implant cost can be greatly more or less than this figure, depending upon various factors. To determine prices, which include anesthesia, pre- and post-operative care, surgical facility fees, medications, as well as the reputation and experience of the plastic surgeon and of course the actual breast implants cost for the implant itself. As a result of this, breast implant financing is extremely high demand. Depending upon the state in which surgery is conducted, the breast augmentation costs for identical procedures can vary enormously. Patients should wary of breast implant costs that seem too low to be accurate; some physicians may advertise extremely low breast implant prices to attract patients, who end up paying hidden fees and “extra” charges that make cost well beyond the advertised amount. As a rule, cosmetic plastic surgery is considered “elective surgery” and is not covered by most insurance plans. Therefore, many things including breast augmentation financing should be discussed during consultations.

Recommended e-book about natural breast augmentation:

  1. You can enlarge your breast naturally without surgery, please take a look at this e-book.

Breast augmentation results

Following a breast augmentation the plastic surgeon will give each individual patient instruction as appropriate. Patient is likely to feel tired and sore for a few days following surgery, but person will be up and around in 24 to 48 hours. Most of discomfort can be controlled by medication prescribed by doctor.

Breast augmentation results

Within several days, the gauze dressings, if patient have them, will be removed, and person may be given a surgical bra. It should be worn as directed by surgeon. A burning sensation in nipples may be experienced for about two weeks, but this will subside as bruising fades. Stitches will come out in a week to 10 days, but the swelling in breasts may take three to five weeks to disappear. The patient should be able to return to work within a few days, depending on the level of activity required for the job. Surgeon’s advices should be followed on when to begin exercises and normal activities. Breasts will probably be sensitive to direct stimulation for two to three weeks, so much physical contact should be avoided. Scars will be firm and pink for at least six weeks. Then they may remain the same size for several months, or even appear to widen. After several months, scars will begin to fade, although they will never disappear completely. Generally, post-operative instructions will include a lot of rest and limited movement in order to help speed up the breast augmentation recovery time.

How long will the results last?

Apart the event of implant deflation requiring surgical replacement with a new implant, the results of breast augmentation surgery is long-lasting. Notwithstanding, gravity and the effects of aging will finally change the size and shape of virtually every woman’s breasts. If, after a period 12 month, woman becomes not satisfied with the look of breasts, a procedure to operate on a breast "lifting" may be chosen to reinstate their more youthful contour.

Recommended e-book about natural breast augmentation:

  1. You can enlarge your breast naturally without surgery, please take a look at this e-book.