Laser eye surgery complications

Laser vision correction can change people’s life. However, as with any surgical procedure, there can be some possible side effects. There are temporary irritants. You may feel scratch in your eyes after procedure. It’s like an contact lens in your eye.

Laser eye surgery complications

This unpleasant feeling can be eliminated with eye drops, which you will need to use after the operation. Also you may feel some watering in the eyes and the eyesight maybe a little bit foggy after laser eye surgery procedure . Don’t worry these irritants will soon disappear. One possible side effect is over-correction, it means that during the operation vision can be changed from nearsighted to farsighted or vice versa.


It can be fixed by an appropriate procedure. Another one is under-correction, it happens when one procedure is not enough. In that case the doctor will appoint you one more treatment.

Telling the truth serious complications are rare. The most worrisome side effect is an infection. It is eliminated with antibiotic eye drops which, if necessary, you will use after the operation. As you see almost all possible side effects can be eliminated with an appropriate medicine.

Recommended e-book about laser eye surgery alternative:

  1. Secrets to perfect eyesight

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